Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Beef Rendang, Encore!

Yesterday i saw an advertisement in paper by a local Kopitiam (cafe) lauching for their Ramadan (Muslim fasting month) meal, their beef rendang look so yummy..I immediately went to pasar (wet market ) to buy all ingredients and cook this beef rendang meal (served with yellow turmeric rice ) the same day..

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This time, i further enhance the taste by increasing the amount of the herbs used and also replaced white sugar with gula melaka (palm sugar) from the old recipe. I simply love to eat the fragrant herbs mixture after cooked..

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A good rendang can't leave without kerisik (toasted coconut) . This time i also prepared more kerisik and store the balance in the fridge for later use..Stir fry coconut over low heat for about 20mins..


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Beef Rendang (1)
(recipe source : by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1kg beef cubes

Spice ingredients
150g shallots
15g garlic
15g blue ginger (lengkuas or galangal)
10g ginger
15g dried chili, boiled in hot water for 5mins and de-seeded
5pcs buah keras (candlenuts)
3 lemongrass, take white part only

25g turmeric leaves (3pcs), shredded finely
2 stalks of kaffir lime leaves, torn the leaf
2 lemongrass, pounded and torn finely
1pc tamarind peel (assam keping) ,small

1 and ½ cup water or adjust accordingly
1 and ½ cup coconut milk or adjust accordingly
50g kerisik (toasted coconut)
5 tbsp cooking oil

50g gula melaka (palm sugar) or to taste ( it depend on the sourness from the tamarind peel, so adjust accordingly)
2tsp salt salt or taste

1. Blend spice ingredients till smooth paste.
2. Heat oil in a wok, add spice paste and sauté till aroma.
3. Add in beef cube, turmeric leaves, tamarind peel, pounded lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, mix well. Add in water, stir to blend well.
5. Add in 1tsp salt, and simmer the mixture over low heat for several hours till beef tendered, add water if mixture turn dry and stir fry from time to time. Or you can use pressure cooker, once 2nd ring rise, turn heat to low, and cook for 30mins.
6. Add in kerisik and coconut milk, cook till gravy thicken.
7. Seasoning with balance salt and gula melaka, adjust taste accordingly. Stir fry till dry.
8. Serve with nasi lemak, or ketupat or steamed yellow turmeric rice.

beef rendang

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If you can't take beef, you may like to check out the chicken rendang here..

I am submitting this post to Muhibbah Malaysia Monday ..


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