Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pain de campagne 乡村面包

This is the 1st bread that i made using the natural apple yeast, Pain de campagne, also proof this bread using the bread proofing basket that i bought from Osaka..

Dust bread flour on the basket


Proofing in the basket..unfortunately it was a raining day when i made this bread,,so slow in proofing and took age to proof. I only managed to proof half of size from the original dough..


Make "+" on the dough

fill with some butter

Since the dough was not fully proof, so the bread was not really puff up..not really a success natural yeast bread..But we were very happy with the taste, so so natural fragrant and aroma, it was totally difference from those bread we made with instant yeast or store-bought bread. I don't know how to precisely describe the taste, you have to make it and try yourself..

The crust of this bread turned very hard the next day (normal for this type of bread), but I was very impressed with the texture inside, still moist and wet..not turned dry at all..

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Pain de campagne 乡村面包
(recipe source: adapted from a Japanese cookbook, translation done by Yee's corner)

Bread flour 252g
Rye flour 24g ( I replaced with bread flour)
Whole wheat flour 24g
Sugar 3g
Water 180g
Salt 6g
Apple Yeast 75g

Butter reasonable amount

1. To make dough using the normal direct method (mix all ingredients and knead till smooth, last add in butter and knead till elastic).
2. Shape the dough into round ball, put in a bowl &covered (with a cloth) Let it proof in room temperature for 20-30min
3. Dust some bread flour on the bread proofing basket (if you don't have this type of proofing basket, you can use the normal colander)
4.Gently shape the dough round, the sealed up side faced up & put it into the basket.
(2nd proofing) in room temperature around 30C for 120mins.
5. Pour some bread flour onto the dough, gently lift the dough from basket to baking pan that line with parchment paper.
6. Cut "+" sign on the dough, add in butter.
7. Pre-heat oven to 230C. After shift the dough into the hot baking tray, spraying water inside the oven to make steam and bake at 220C for 20mins, then bake for another 20mins at 210c.

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I feel that my 1st batch of apple yeast was not strong enough. After made few research online and i found out that the yeast is mainly generated from the apple's skin. I have just started 2nd batch of apple yeast water, this time i added half apple and apple's skin and core from one apple, hopefully i can get stronger apple yeast water this time, will keep you update.


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