Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sakura Jelly

Beside used picked sakura to make cookies, the other day i tried to use the pickled sakura to make this Sakura Jelly..

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It look so lovely !! but taste wise was nothing to shout out, the jelly just taste like those tidbit salted plum water.

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Sakura Jelly
(recipe source: Inspired by A Daily Obsession, recipe with my own twist)

3 tsp gelatine powder
800ml water
100ml water from soaking the pickled sakura

2 tbsp honey
90g sugar

Some pickled sakura

1. Mix water and water from soaking the pickled sakura together in a small pot.
2. Add in sugar, sprinkle gelatine powder on top, mix well.
3. Heat and stir to dissolve the sugar and gelatine.
4. Pour jelly in serving glass, drop the flowers and use toothpick to push sakura gently to and from so that the petals unfurl.
5. Cool and chill for at least 4 hours.

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