Monday, July 9, 2012

Portuguese Prawns 葡汁炒明虾, yuzu giveaway winners

Today i made another batch of pickled mustard green (Kiam Chai) because the price of mustard green is so so cheap RM 1/kg (last time i bought RM 2/kg)..So if you have not tried this pickle veggie, go to wet market grap some mustard green quickly...i think they are over supply now..And i found homemade Kiam Chai is more sour and less salty if compare to store-bought, especially taste delicious when add into Teochew steamed fish.

Come back to today's post, we tried this Portuguese style of prawns when we celebrated Mother's day in a Chinese restaurant nearby. We were enjoyed so much of this yummy prawn, the sauce was sweet, sour and full of curry aroma. I tried to recall the taste and re-create this dish recently, and it was really good, especially licking the sauce from the shell, yummy!

Ya, i have to say sorry to my silent readers again, because this time Random org still pick two winners from bloggers and they are also my blogger's friend, check it out below.

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Portuguese Prawns 葡汁炒明虾
(recipe source: created by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

1kg large prawns, leave shell intact

Seasonings for sauce
3tbsp Thai Chili sauce
1tbsp tomato ketchup
1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp curry powder (seafood type)
1/2tsp salt
1tbsp white vinegar
3tbsp water

3 sprigs curry leaves
3 long beans, cut into 2-3cm in length
1 onion, cut wedges

1. Mix all seasonings for the sauce in a small mixing bowl, set aside.
2. Deep fry prawns in hot cooking oil for 1-2mins (depend on the size of the prawns) till cooked but do not overcooked. Drain and set aside.
3. Leave 3-4tbsp oil, sauté curry leaves, long beans and onion till fragrant.
4. Add in the fried prawns and sauce, quickly stir fry to combine (less than 1min).
5. Dish out and serve hot.

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Here are the result of the yuzu powder giveaway:-


Congrats to the 1st winner  My Little Space (Kristy, don't everytime said you have no luck in any giveaway, now the machine pick you this lucky blogger )
giveaway winner_My Little Space

Congrats to the 2nd winner  Honey Bee Sweet ( Hope you enjoy this yuzu powder with your new Castella box soon)

giveaway winner_Honey Bee Sweet

Drop me an email to claim your gift...


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