Sunday, July 22, 2012

Chocolate Cupcakes and Swiss Meringue Buttercream

My daughter requsted me to make chocolate cupcakes yesterday as she would like to bring to school for her best friend's Birthday today.
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I am very happy found this good Swiss meringue buttercream recipe from "the batter baker". Her recipe is easy to follow and yet resulted a very stable (in our hot and humid weather) , not taste oily and less sweet buttercream.

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I just put these cupcakes on the island top in room temperature. This morning i took this picture, see the buttercream still beautifully stand in shape, instead the colouring sprinkles has started to melt..
If you are new to Swiss meringue buttercream, here is a video i want to share, her recipe called 123 Swiss meringue buttercream, so you can have a idea how this buttercream is making..I tried her recipe, but found out is a bit too sweet for our liking. If next time i make this buttercream again, i will share with you the step by step photos.


My daughter even decorated with a Justin Bieber fondant on the cupcake as JB is her friend's favourite star.

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I made some changes to the chocolate cupcake recipe as one reader asked me whether to add chocolate emulco can make chocolate cupake look darker. So i added chocolate emulco, and it is confirmed that the colour of the cake look darker than not adding chocolate emulco. I also halved this recipe since my 1st time trying this recipe. And i was using hand mixer instead of stand mixer since i prepared in a very small volume.Also I left the butter stand on room temperature about 30mins before i started to make the buttercream, it should be soft but still cold.

Chocolate Cupcakes and Swiss Meringue Buttercream
(Recipe source: adapted from The batter baker, with minor changes)

Chocolate Cupcakes
Makes 6 cupcakes.

90g cake flour
10g cocoa powder
70g sugar
3/4tsp baking powder
65g butter, softened
30g milk
1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1tsp Chocolate emulco

1. Sift together cake flour, cocoa powder and baking powder.
2. Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Add in whole egg and egg yolk, combine well.
4. Add in vanilla extract and chocolate emulco.
5. Add in flour mixture and milk alternately, mix well.
6. Scoop batter in cupcake liners.
7. Bake at 180C for 25mins.
8. Remove cupcakes onto a wire rack to cool completely before frosting.

Swiss Meringue Buttercream

1 egg whites (large egg)
45g sugar
1/4tsp vanilla extract
75g unsalted butter, soft but still cold, cut into small equal size of cubes

1. Whisk egg whites and sugar over bain marie (in a double boiler) till sugar is fully dissolved (to test by touch it and rub with fingers)
2. Remove from heat and whisk for about 10 min till peaks are stiff, thick and glossy.
3. At this point, the mixing bowl should be cool to the touch. Add vanilla extract.
4. Change to the paddle attachment (I use hand mixer all the way since just a small recipe).
5. With the mixer at low to medium speed, add in the butter cube one by one, ensuring that each addition is well incorporated before adding the next one.
6. If the mixture curdles, don't panic. Continue adding the butter and beating the mixture on medium speed.
7. After a few minutes, the mixture will come together and become creamy and satiny.
8. Add colouring if desired and beat till evenly distributed.

** updated on 17 Aug- please refer to the latest Swiss Meringue Buttercream recipe here with step-by-step photos.

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