Monday, July 16, 2012

My easy Maki Sushi

Lucas was requesting me to make sushi for him since i have quite long did not make his favourite sushi at home. Today i make this easy maki sushi for his bento lunch.
Ya, this Japanese serving bowl and the knife use to slice these sushi, both were brought back from Osaka. I just realized i bought quite a number of things from the Japan trip, hehehe.

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No expensive ingredients like salmon, this time i just use simple items i.e crabsticks and cucumbers..




My Easy Maki Sushi
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2 cups of uncooked sushi rice
3 cups of water (I use the same rice cup to measure)

4tbsp Japanese vinegar
2tbsp fine granulated sugar
1/2tsp salt

Nori seaweed
Crabsticks ( cook in microwave oven on high for 1min or steam it)
Japanese cucumbers
Japanese mayonnaise

To make sushi rice
1. Wash the rice and rinse thoroughly.
2. Place rice and water in a rice cooker and set until cooked.
3. Meanwhile, mix together the rice vinegar, sugar and salt in a small mixing bowl, stir to mix well
4. Put the cooked rice into a large mixing bowl or use the same rice cooker, pour the vinegar sauce over the hot rice and fold it well (do not stir but just gently fold) . Allow to cool slightly before start making sushi roll.

To assemble sushi
1. Cover the bamboo rolling mat with cling film.
2. Prepare a bowl of drinking water as to wet your hands so the rice won’t stick to your hands.
3. Place one sheet of nori seaweed on a bamboo rolling mat - make sure the shiny side is facing down. Cover the seaweed with prepared sushi rice (don't stuff too much on, time to time wet your hands with water) - leave 1/2 inch of the seaweed bare at the bottom.
4. Place crabsticks, cucumber and spread mayonnaise length-ways on the rice and place closest to you.
5. Using the bamboo rolling mat, begin to tightly roll the sushi into log style. Start at the side nearest to you, and roll away from you. When the sushi is completely rolled, use the rolling mat to squeeze the sushi so it does not unroll when you are trying to cut it.
6. Using a very sharp knife, wet the knife with water, slice according to the thickness you like your sushi.


Bento lunch for kids





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