Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chinese New Year Delights 2013_round up (10)

I have received 362 entries up to yesterday midnight. Today i am going to post all the balance 92 entries in this round up (10). The following entries received after yesterday midnight will be posted after CNY..
When you have free time during CNY, feel free to drop by and check all the round up. If you noticed some nice recipes and no chance to try this CNY, save them and try it next year..
Look at the good response, i am dreaming now to achieve 500 entries till closing of this event ^_^.

Aunty Young-迎春花开牛油饼 (Chinese Blossom Cookie)

from non blogger, Angeline-pineapple rolls

Pineapple Roll
(recipe source: adapted from Agnes Chang)

250gIcing sugar
50g (just nice, no need to reduce)
1 Egg yolk
360g Plain flour
2tbsp Custard powder (mixed together with plain flour)

1 egg yolk for grazing Pineapple filling (shape into a small round ball) ,use ready made

Method :
1. Cream butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Add egg yolk and beat until well combined.
3. Sift in flours and mix well.
4. Rest the dough for 30min.
5. Press out the dough from ‘pineapple roll’ mould about 5cm long and wrap with pineapple filling.
6. Brush with egg glaze.
7. Bake at 170c for about 20- 25min or till cooked

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Checkerboard Cookies 棋盘饼

Yin ( Baby Girls Diary)-Golden Pineapple Roll

Xuan (Baking Chronicles)-Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

May Law (厨苑食谱)-小蜜蜂~杏仁饼 (Almond Cookies)

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-鸡丝芝麻饼干 ~ Chicken Floss & Sesame Biscuit

Ching (Little Corner of Mine)-Butter Custard Cookies

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Prosperous Fish

Angel ( Cook.Bake.Love)-Honey Star Chocolate Cookies 蜜糖星星巧克力曲奇

Angel ( Cook.Bake.Love)- Buttery Pineapple Tart

Vivian Pang Kitchen-Golden Prawn Bar (金虾棒)

MEL LEE (Through The Kitchen Door )-Suji / Ghee Cookies

雷切儿 (Simple Life... Simple Love…)-小小香辣螺旋饼


Gertrude (My Kitchen Snippets)-Almond Cookies

Pink Lady (Lucky Inn)-杏仁酥饼 Almond Cookies

Siew ( 人在渥太华)-入口既化之龙饼 (Dragon cookies)

Jessie Ng (Jessie-Cooking Moments)-煎饺子 Gyoza

MEL LEE (Through The Kitchen Door )-Garlic Roasted Peanuts

Xinghui (美味情缘)-烧酒虾

Anna Tay (小雨伞的天空)-豆卜酿白珠;金花朵朵开

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-杏仁片脆饼 ~ Flaked Almond Biscuit

Corlin Woung (Simple Delights)-Cheese Cookies

Jane (Passionate About Baking)-Crispy Baked Cod Fish Knots

from non blogger, Vincent Goh-Almond Pandan Cookies

Almond Pandan Cookies

(Source: http://www.mykitchensnippets.com/2010/10/almond-pandan-cookies.html)

200 grm butter
120 grm sugar
200 grm flour
50 grm ground almond
80 grm cornflour
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp of pandan paste

1. Sieve flour, cornstarch and salt together. Add in the ground almond, mix well and set it aside.
2. Cream butter, sugar and pandan paste until soft and well combined. Add in the flour mixture and mix till well combined. Roll out to about 0.5cm thick and cut into your favorite design.
3. Place the cookies in a lined baking sheet and bake in a pre-heated 325 degree F oven until lightly brown on the edges.
4. Keep in airtight container once it is cool.

Note: If the dough is too soft keep it in the fridge for half an hour before rolling it.

from non-blogger, Vincent Goh-Butter cookies

Butter Cookies
(Source: http://en.christinesrecipes.com/2010/02/butter-cookies-for-chinese-new-year.html)

200 gm cake flour
130 gm melted butter
35 gm caster sugar
65 gm icing sugar
1 egg, whisked, about 50 gm
1/4 tsp vanilla essence
Some whole almond (optional)

Preheat oven to 190C (375F).

Cut butter into cubes and allow to soften at room temperature. If time is limited, here is a quickest way to soften butter. Melt butter in microwave at high-medium power for 10 seconds or so, then transfer to freezer for a few minutes. When the butter begins to be frozen again and thickens, it’s ready to use. If not, put it back to freezer for more minutes.

Cream butter with an electric mixer over medium speed until smooth. Add caster sugar and icing sugar, continue to cream until fluffy.

Add one-third of the whisked egg into the butter mixture at a time. Stir and combine well between adding egg each time, the volume increases and colour lightens.

Stir in vanilla essence and combine well.

Sift flour into the egg mixture. Use a spatula to combine all ingredients. Don’t over stir, just incorporate the flour into the mixture. Transfer the batter into an icing bag. Pipe the batter on a lined baking tray with baking paper, in 1.5-inch (3.8 cm) circles, that’s about 1 tablespoon each of batter, evenly spaced 1.5-inch apart.

Decorate with almond.

Bake in the preheated oven for 10 to 13 minutes, or until golden brown. Let cool on a wire rack completely. Store in an air-tight container

雷儿 (Simple Life... Simple Love…)-黄金脆皮南瓜饼切

Sabrina Khan 莎莎 (Kingdom of Tasty Life)-菜粿 Chai Kuih

Kelly Siew Cooks-Chinese New Year’s Cake (年糕 Nian Gao)

Daphne ( More Than Words)-Guanxi Steam Chicken

Vivian Pang Kitchen-Prawns with Garlic 蒜酥虾

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Honeycomb Cookies (Kuih Rose/Loyang) 蜂窝饼

Christine ( The Wanderer's Journal)-Snowy Peanut Butter Cookies

May Law (厨苑食谱)-金虾报喜~金桔明虾 (Kumquat Prawn)

Jozelyn Ng (我的烹饪食谱)-紫菜饼

Jozelyn Ng (我的烹饪食谱)-Pineapple tarts

Jozelyn Ng (我的烹饪食谱)-双肠芽菇庆丰年

Jozelyn Ng (我的烹饪食谱)-Royal Chicken Roll 贵妃鸡卷

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-青豆饼~ Green Pea Cookies

Cheah (No-Frills Recipes)-Cherry Choc-chip Cookies

Ann (Anncoo Journal)-Pineapple Jelly

Lena (Frozen Wings)-Bak Kwa/Pork Jerky

Bernice (Bernice's kitchen)-鳕鱼香酥脆片

Sue ( CookingMomster)-Stir fried ngaku with pork belly

Phong Hong Bakes-Spiced Mixed Nuts

MK Moon (Austin n Iris Family)-Traditional Butter Cookies

MEL LEE (Through The Kitchen Door )-Almond Rocher

Chris (Simple Pleasures in our Lives)-Nian Gao

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-黄梨酥

Mich (Piece of Cake)-Almond Cookies

Broccoli Ginger-Nian Gao

Wendy /wvfy (Wendy's small small world)-Pineapple Roll (Nastar)

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Paper-Wrapped Chicken

Karen Ho (Karen's kitchen)-杏仁饼~ Almond Cookies

Caca (I Like Paper Cutting & Craft)-Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Kit ( I-Lost in Austen)-Osmanthus Madeleines

May Law (厨苑食谱)-金桔~杏仁饼 (Almond Cookies)

MosQ 蚊子(蚊子的天空)-肉干~ Bak gua

Joceline (Butter Flour & Me)-牛油杯子饼干

Ching (Little Corner of Mine)-Chai Hsin with Shiitake Mushrooms

Bee Bee (Honey Bee Sweets)-Hakka Yam Abacus (算盘子)

Vivian Pang Kitchen-Stir Fry Leek with Chinese Sausage

Vivian Pang Kitchen-Braised Chicken Wings with Mushroom

Aunty Young-余旺年年

Vivian Pang Kitchen-Yee Sang 鱼生

Michelle (心煮意)-杏仁方块

CC (Dumpling Love)-Dark Choc & Raspberry Muffins

Sheoh Yan Lee (Blog with Yan)-Melted butter cookies

Lian (Whatever You Do)-2 Refreshing CNY Desserts

Cass Tan (揾到食)-鳕鱼紫菜香酥片

Cass Tan (揾到食)-腊肠蒸鸡

Sabrina Khan 莎莎 (Kingdom of Tasty Life)-青豆饼 Green Peas Cookies

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-Flower Ghee Almond Cookies 花花酥油杏仁饼乾

Baby Sumo (Eat Your Heart Out - Goodyfoodies)-Homemade Pineapple Jam

Yin (Yin Bakes)-Peanut Cookies

Yin (Yin Bakes)-Pineapple Tarts

Li Shuan (Helena's kitchen)-吉利” 橘子绿茶燕菜 (Mandarin & Jasmine Green Tea Cup Jellies with Lychee)

Li Shuan (Helena's kitchen)-杏仁脆片 (Crispy Almond Cookies)

仪仪妈咪 (幸福...就在我身边)-狗狗+熊熊饼干

Miss B (Everybody Eats Well in Flanders)-Melt-in-the-Mouth Pineapple Tarts

Yee Ling ( ling in de house)-Steamed Nian Gao with Grated Coconut

Yee Ling ( ling in de house)-Steamed Nian Gao

Pink Lady (Lucky Inn)-黄梨酥 Pineapple Tarts

Pink Lady (Lucky Inn)-巧克力玉米片 Chocolate Cornflakes

雷切儿 (Simple Life... Simple Love…)-巧克力美禄球

Jessie Ng (Jessie-Cooking Moments)-炸蟹柳条 Crispy Crab Sticks(Surimi)

Angel ( Cook.Bake.Love)-Aunt's Pineapple Tart (Highly Addictive!)

Eileen ( Hundred Eighty Degrees)-Salted Egg Yolks Cookie

Sonia (Nasi Lemak Lover)-My best melt-in-mouth Pineapple tarts (enclosed version) 最酥的凤梨酥

Choo Doris (Sumptuous Flavours)-Eight Treasures Tea

Eunice Eng (Yummy Recipes)-Crunchy Chocolate Chips Cookies脆脆巧克力豆曲奇


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