Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My best melt-in-mouth Pineapple tarts (enclosed version) 最酥的凤梨酥

I would said pineapple tarts rank number 1 among all CNY cookies, do you agree?
As a Hokkien, we called pineapple as "Ong Lai", means bring good luck. So every CNY, i must bake some pineapple tarts, if not bake some, i afraid our "Ong" will not come, hehehe..

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Thanks to my Malay friend who shared this super easy pineapple tart pastry with me, which only requires four ingredients, butter, condensed milk, flour and egg yolks..
And I love this pastry very much, it is simply melt-in-mouth !! Maybe you have your own melt-in-mouth recipe, but this is the best melt-in-mouth pineapple tarts version that I have tried so far..
The highlight of this pastry recipe is using very ordinary condensed milk or sweetened creamer  which everyone should have some at home especially prepare Milo drink..

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This year, i also started to make my own pineapple filling..and i prefer only use two ingredients i.e pienapple and sugar, not adding other spices like cloves or cinnamon..I just want pure pineapple fragrance..

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At first i bought the ordinary pineapple (i think it is Morris pineapple) from market , only cost me RM 1 for each (like shown in the below picture, without the outer skin)..Last two days, Giant supermarket had the promotion of Josephine pineapple which only cost RM 0.78 for each, i quickly bought few..After tasted pineapple filling from two difference types, i feel Josephine pineapple tasted nicer than the ordinary one..more pineapple aroma..

pineapple filling

Since my family prefer less sweet pineapple filling, usually i will bake pineapple tarts before last few days to CNY, since less sugar it will not last too long..

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And this pastry is not sticky at all, easy to be handled..Also i prefer to use those ordinary butter (like Bxxx brand) , so no strong buttery taste over take the pineapple aroma..


This time, i did not make the usual Nastar shape, i made into ball and enclosed version.

making pineapple tarts

This beautiful vase given by Jessie just came in the right time, perfect to decorate with some flowers..

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no one can resist this melt-in-mouth pineapple tarts !!

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My best melt-in-mouth Pineapple tarts (enclosed version) 凤梨酥
(recipe source: by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 100pcs

350g butter

IMG_7158 copy 100g condensed milk or sweetened creamer
510g plain flour / all purpose flour
2 egg yolks

1 egg yolk +1tsp milk, for egg wash

700g Pineapple filling (homemade or store-bought)


1. Cream butter and condensed milk till light.
2. Add in egg yolk one at a time, and beat until combine.
3. Mix in flour, mix till become a soft and not sticky dough.
4. Roll pineapple filling into ball (8g each) and roll dough into ball (10g each).
5. Flatten a piece of dough and place a piece of the roll pineapple filling in the middle. Bring the edges of the dough together and press lightly to seal. Roll it in between your palms to shape it into a roll.
6. Cut few lines on the pineapple balls to create pineapple pattern, apply egg wash with a brush.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 165C (fan forced) for 23mins or till golden brown.
8. Cool completely before storing.

Homemade pineapple filling

1.5kg pineapple flesh (from ripe pineapple but not over ripe) , process finely in a food processor (do not add water)

250g coarse sugar (adjust accordingly)


1. Cook pineapple flesh together with the juices in a wok over medium low heat until water reduced, stir from time to time.
2. Add in sugar and cook over low heat till thick, stir from time to time, takes about 1 hour.

My husband like to decorate house with pineapple lanterns than the ordinary lantern..But this year, he got two huge pineapple lanterns, about 4 feet long, because the sales girl wrongly gave him this size, hahaha.. 


I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

This post is also linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Bake for Happy Kids, the theme of this month is Pineapple! Please join the fun if you bake or cook anything with pineapple this month.


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