Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dahlia cookies (Old fashioned custard butter cookies) 卡士达牛油饼干

Finally i managed to make this custard butter cookie that suit to my sister's demand. What was her demand?  less buttery, less sweet, not strong custard taste, still taste light and almost melt-in-mouth, hahaha, very demanding !!
Once i done with this cookies, my husband just came back for lunch, and he could not stop eating this cookie after the first bite..I was wondering got so good mer, or he just wanted to please me and make me happy, hahaha..

This was the first batch of dahlia cookies that sent to my sister to taste out. She said the taste is almost there, but still need some modification to suite her taste!! Then i have to make 2nd batch..

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I use this piping tool to pipe the dough that look like dahlia flowers.

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I want the 2nd batch of Dahlia cookies look like this real Dahlia, so i started to play with colours..



Before baking look nicer than after baked!
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After baked
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At last, my sister is satisfied with the 2nd batch of Dahlia cookies..But she still have last comment, why the red spot look like blood spread on cookies, hahahaha..

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Dahlia cookies (Old fashioned custard butter cookies) 卡士达牛油饼干
(recipe source: modified from Dapur Tanpa Sempadan )

150g butter, at room temperature
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70g icing sugar
1 egg yolk
140g cake flour
60g corn flour
40g custard powder

Few drop of red food colouring (optional)
Pickled red cherries, chopped, for decoration

1. Sift cake flour, corn flour and custard powder together.
2. Beat butter, icing sugar until light and creamy.
3. Add in egg yolk, beat till combine.
4. Add in sifted flour and mix until mixture well combined and smooth. If you want to have two tone colours, add few drop of red colour on a small portion of dough.
5. Pipe dough on a pan lined with paper.
6. Place a small piece of red cherry on top of each dough.
7. Bake at pre-heated oven at 150C (fan forced) at lower rack for 23mins.

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Oh ya, this CNY i also made my son Desmond's favourite Kuih Bangkit (tapioca cookies). But this year I changed a bit of the recipe, half portion of Sago flour and half portion of Tapioca flour. According to the owner of the bakery ingredients shop, more sago flour added, resulted more crispy cookies, she said some peoples even use 100% sago flour..But i don't want to follow her suggestion, if use all sago flour, then i can not call this as tapioca cookies anymore, hehehe..
We love this cookie which is cripsy, delicate, melt-in-mouth feel, and full of coconut aroma!!
(try to use very fresh and thick coconut milk )

See Desmond helping me frying the flour, but after few minutes, he already run away, complaining his hand is pain, hahaha..

This is the last post related to this year CNY..
Now i am starting to prepera final round up of CNY Delights 2013 event and draw the lucky winners..And i have decided to increase the number of lucky winners from Two to Five , in view of your strong support !! Check it out later tongiht !!

I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


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