Wednesday, February 6, 2013

黄金常逗 (Stuffed Snake Beans) ~ Happy Ulala CNY 金蛇呈祥, 新年快乐

This is my last post before CNY, even i still have few cookies to post, i can only post it when i come back from CNY. Yesterday i cooked this stuffed snake beans just to 应景 (match with) the coming water snake year..

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I have almost ready to celebrate this Spring festival , here are some of my preparation...


few pots of flowers bought from Ikea..

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my pot of arrowroot plants, the top of this plant also look quite similar like snake head right?

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flowers from my garden
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Must have CNY vegetables, Napa Chinese long cabbage (this special cabbage only can be seen during CNY), lotus root (for soup) , Chinese leek ( for stir fry ), Chinese lettuce (for wrapping with fried stuffs) and Chinese chives (means long life)..

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Nian Gao, sweet candies.

Nian Gao (Chinese sticky cake) from my mom..

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Sweet candies

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One of my favourite old-fashioned sweet, something like muachi ..I like the pink one ^_^
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CNY decoration in and out of the house
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sun dry prawn crackers and peanuts first before making these last minutes cookies..
- very nice prawn crackers that made by my relatives who staying in Pasir Penambang .
.and last minutes cookies requested by my hubby - peanut cookies..


come back to this stuffed snake beans..
This is snake beans, size is bigger than normal long beans, and has rough surface..

You dont need a recipe, very simple to make..stuffed snake beans with fish paste ( add some chopped waterchesnut and season with salt, sugar and pepper) , lay bottom with a small piece of cabbage (as not to stick to the plate)..arrange like snake shape, steam for 10mins..
Pour pumpkin gravy ( pumpkin puree, chicken stock and seasongs) on stuffed snake beans..This year is water snake, so this dish look like water snake swim on golden river, hehehe..
* this dish was inspired by a dish that serve in a restaurant..

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I wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year of the Snake with Abundance of Health, Wealth and Happiness.


I am submitting this post to Chinese New Year Delights 2013 hosted by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover


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