Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Deep fried Daun kaduk ( Wild Betel Leaf)

Deep fry Daun Kaduk (Wild Betel leaves) can be tasted so aromatic, and dip it with this Tomato & Shallots dipping sauce, they are just so perfect. My kids who are not fancy on eating leaf ^_^ also eaten until non-stop.

I was imitated this special and nice tomato & shallot dipping sauce from a dish we taken during last Bangkok trip. The dish we ordered was fried kangkung to dip with this dipping sauce..


Home-grown daun kaduk (wild betel leaf)..


I still use my prefer crispy batter to deep fry with this daun kaduk




Deep fried Daun kaduk (Wild Betel Leaf)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*makes 30pcs daun kaduk

 30 Daun kaduk leaves (Betel leaves), wash and clean, pat dry
1 quantity of Crispy batter for frying


  1. Dip Daun Kaduk leaf in the batter, thinly coat.
  2. Deep fry in hot cooking oil over low medium heat till golden and crispy.
  3. Enjoy with tomato & shallots dipping sauce.

Tomato & Shallots dipping sauce

1 cup hot water
2tbsp sugar

¼ tomato, chopped
3 shallots, sliced
3 garlic, chopped
1tsp chopped coriander
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp fish sauce
2tbsp lime juices


  1. Melt sugar in hot water, set aside to cool.
  2. Add all ingredients in the water, mix well.


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