Monday, April 1, 2013

Food_Kota Bharu Kelantan (1)

This morning when I read My Kitchen Snippet's Malaysian Food Fest (MFF) Kelantan Month post, and I realized that we have actually tried few of the dishes and kuih-muih that mentioned in her post. Today I would like to share these two restaurants that mainly serve local Kelantan foods. This plate of rice is Nasi Kerabu with white rice, thinking to try blue rice but I guess at that time it was out of stock.

1) Restaurant Yati Ayam Percik, their main specialty is Ayam percik, which is a must try item in Kelantan..They also serves assorted type of local traditional Kelantan kuih-muih. This restaurant will definitely help you to understand more about the local Kelantan culture and traditions while tasting their delicious handmade cuisines.

charcoal grilled ayam percik


many varieties of side dishes



some of local kuih

that one at the right size is sambal daging, we did not try this..

Sira labu is pumpkin cooked in palm sugar, we did not try this either

ok, here were our orders, Ayam percik, taste quite similar like satay chicken, top with mild spicy sweet sauce, for me it taste similar like mayonnaise


Ikan percik

this normal fried fish actually taste better than ikan percik


And among all dishes, this was our favourite !! very nice Daging bakar (grilled beef)..
And we enjoy all these dishes with a plate of nasi Kerabu (1st picture)


Here were 3 types of sweet kuih that we ordered, not able to try all..
This is Buah Tanjong, similar like jala mas which main ingredients are egg, coconut milk and sugar. the taste is acceptable by us ^_^


My kids like this Kuih Bunga , deep fried glutinious rice ball top with deep fried egg that mix with white sugar, must try this at home very soon.


We saw this interesting kuih, Taik itek or Tahi itek ( duck's droppings ^_^), very special name ..
Bought one to try it out..the taste was too sweet for our liking..main ingredient egg white, flour and is one example of recipe



Yati Ayam Percik
Cuisine: Malay
Address: 847, Jalan Long Yunus,
Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Malaysia
Tel: (609)7479867

2) Kedai Kopi White House. One of the local staff from the hotel where we were staying was highly recommended this place to us for a good breakfast. In fact, we returned to this same restaurant the next day.

This is my favourite among all foods i tried here, Nasi Tumpang.



Nasi tumpang  tasted like nasi ketupat, pressed rice sandwich between with gulai lemak ikan or udang (I actually tried both fish and prawn, I still prefer prawn), and serunding daging (meat floss), then wrapped with banana leaf into cone shape..

We also ordered nasi ayam (rice with fried chicken)



Lucas had his favourite nasi lemak, but i left behind my favourite nasi lemak because I want to try new thing, hehehe..


Nasi ikan ( rice with coconut milk fish)

Oh, this is our favourite, very nice kaya with toast, according to the worker here, the kaya made by duck eggs, and it was light in colour and very rich egg aroma but less coconut aroma ..When we went back the next day for breakfast again, everyone also ordered a plate of this..

a very crowded morning breakfast place !!
You know what, when I went back the next day, I saw many "no camera' sign , hahaha! Luckily they did not chase me out , LOL.
So you are lucky to view all these photos..


This restaurant is located beside the Istana Jahar (Jahar Palace)


And also beside the Masjid Muhammadi

Kedai Kopi White House
Jalan Sultanah Zainab,
Kota Bharu,


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