Monday, April 1, 2013

Fried Keropok Lekor (fish sausages) Kelantan

I love today's post because don't need to write a long recipe ^_^..I bought some keropok lekor from Pasar Siti Khadijah from the recent Kelantan trip.
 Keropok lekor is Kelantanese fish sausages. Made by combining fish flesh and sago or tapioca flour, keropok lekor is rolled into long firm sticks and then steamed or boiled. To enjoy it, one has to cut it into desired bite sized and deep fried. It is a popular schoolchildren's snack food. (info extracted from Wikipedia).


Don't slice it too thin, slice it about 5mm thickness

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Deep fry in hot cooking oil till light golden brown..


Enjoy by dipping it in sweet chili sauce .
I bought this chili sauce from Kelantan too.


The taste is exactly like fish crackers.
After deep fried, crispy on the outside and slight chewy inside, this is too yummy!

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