Friday, April 19, 2013

Lychee Lime Yogurt Mousse Cake 荔枝青柠慕斯蛋糕

Yesterday I made a mousse cake again for my sister's Birthday today since she prefer a mousse cake, like the strawberry mousse cake I made for her last year. This time I changed to new flavours, I made a lychee and lime yogurt mousse cake. I hope she will like this new flavours, anyway, my youngest sister already bookmarked this cake and asked me to make for her next month ^_^

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This is the Lychee Lime mousse cake that I made for my sister..a bit short because I use some to made into another 4 small cake..

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Because I wanted to try out these small new cake rings..

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I suggest to use better quality of canned Lychee, with big and white lychee..

I adapted the recipe from Jane with my own modification where I added key limes (remind of the nice Lychee and Lime soda drink I prepared earlier). She recommended to use special biscuit sponge that adapted from Okashi's book in fact this is the right choice, this sponge is firm to handle,  and the taste is a bit sweet so just perfect to match with slight less sweet mousse (next time I will add some sugar into mousse as I prefer slightly sweet). Ya, I also omitted the egg white as I afraid kids can't stand with raw egg white. And next time I also want to increase amount of lychee and reduce syrup because the mousse batter is a bit watery. Also I pipe batter into cake disc instead of bake in a normal cake pan.

Lychee Lime Yogurt Mousse Cake 荔枝青柠慕斯蛋糕
*makes a 8” cake

Special Biscuit Sponge
(recipe adapted from Okashi by Keiko Ishida book)

 20g Top flour or cake flour
 10g corn flour
 18g unsalted butter, melted
 45g egg whites
 40g caster sugar
 40g egg yolks

1.Preheat oven to 200C.
2.Line a baking sheet with non-stick baking paper or a 8” round cake pan with baking paper.
3.Combine Top flour and corn flour.
4.Beat egg whites with an electric mixer until foamy. Add sugar to egg whites and beat until stiff peaks form.
5.Add egg yolks and beat until combine.
6.Sift flours into egg mixture with spatula.
7.Pour melted butter into batter and fold well.
8. Pipe the batter on a lined baking sheet or pour batter into cake pan (if using cake pan)
9.Bake for 12-15 mins. Cool completely and remove cake disc from the baking sheet or cut out a 8” round cake disc.
10.Place the cake disc on a 8” cake ring or a 8” removable bottom cake pan.If using cake ring, leave cake in the cake ring and cover bottom of cake with cling film and a stainless steel tray. If using removable bottom cake cake, just set aside.


Lychee Lime yogurt mousse
(recipe adapted from Jane’s corner with my own modification)

2 Canned lychee  ( you will have some leftover)
60g sugar (add this if you prefer sweeter or adjust accordingly)
200g whipping cream
120g plain natural yogurt
20g gelatine powder
4tbsp water
3 key limes zest , 1tsp lime juices

1.Open lychee can and leave aside 8 pieces of lychees for decoration(your choice of number of lychee).
2.Weight the rest of lychees plus syrup to 700g (I use 18pcs lychee + syrup, next time I will  increase number of lychee and reduce syrup). Process them in a food processor, strain lychee puree, weight lychee puree 300g for jelly topping and set aside for later use. Blend the lychee bits (lychee bits after strained the puree) again with a blender until fine, add back to the balance lychee puree, and weight 400g for mousse making.

3.Add sugar into 400g lychee puree, stir to dissolved. Mix lychee puree with key limes zest,lime juices and yogurt in a mixing bowl, set aside.


4.Melt gelatine with water over simmering water, set aside to let it cool down.


5.Beat whipping cream until soft peak


6.Fold in whipping cream into lychee yogurt mixture and at last add in gelatine to mix well.


7.Pour into cake ring or cake pan and refrigerate for 2 hours

To prepare Jelly Topping & assemble the mousse cake

300g of above strained lychee puree

30g caster sugar (add this if you prefer sweeter or adjust accordingly)
10g gelatine powder
2tbsp hot water
Pink rose colouring (I use Wilton Rose)

1.Melt gelatine powder over simmering water. Leave to cool.
2.Mix sugar with lychee puree, stir to dissolved. Add gelatine and pink coloring. Pour on top of lychee mousse layer.




3.Refrigerate for another 3hours or overnight. Remove mousse cake from cake ring or cake pan by heating the side of the pan using a hair dryer. Decorate with lychee, cream, lime slices or etc as per your desired.

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This mousse cake is so refreshing and now is the best time to enjoy it since weather is so hot now.. 

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