Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nasi Dagang dan Gulai ikan Tongkol Kelantan (Traders Rice and Tuna curry)

Another recipe that has long list of ingredients and it took long hours to prepare. I bought 1kg of beras Dagang from the recent Kelantan trip, wanted to try my hands with home cooked nasi dagang and gulai ikan Tongkol.

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My first time cutting a big fish !! This is 2kg of Tongkol fish that I bought from pasar (wet market).
I wanted to show you the real fish, so I ask the seller don't need to cut this fish for me.
But I regretted, it was like a war, blood spread all over the sink area at my wet kitchen, LOL.

I managed to cut this big fish finally. This fish has very strong fishy smell, no wonder makcik Manggis's recipe asked to cook this fish separately and added a lot of spices and herbs. So I would say this is a local type of Tuna fish, it is difference from the tuna fish that used by Japanese to make sushi.
If you can't accept the fishy smell from this ikan Tongkol, a good alternative is replaced with mackerel fish.

Yummy Gulai ikan Tongkol Kelantan !!
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 Enjoy with Nasi Dagang (Traders rice)

Side dish- ayam serunding ( chicken floss)


also salted fish (bought from Kelantan too), but forgot the name of this fish..


must have sour pickled cucumbers, carrots and onion

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Fine dining presentation of my home cooked Nasi Dagang ^_^
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Let check the long recipes...I cooked 1kg of nasi dagang at one go, so I sent half for my sister who just staying nearby..In order to get rid of fishy smell from the ikan Tongkol, the gravy of gulai ikan Tongkol has to taste on sour side, so you adjust the amount of tamarind peels accordingly.

Nasi Dagang dan Gulai ikan Tongkol Kelantan (Traders rice and Tuna Curry )

Tuna Curry ( gulai ikan Tongkol)
(recipe source: adapted from MakcikManggis)
*serve 9 pax

1.2kg Tongkol fish (ikan Tongkol), cut into big pieces
-cook Tongkol fish with water (just enough to cover fish), add salt, brown sugar, few slices of blue gingers, and few slices of tamarind peel (asam keeping) for about 5-10mins.

Ingredients 1
1” cinnamon stick (kayu manis)
2 star anise (bunga lawang)
3 cloves (bunga cengkih)
2 green cardamom (buah pelaga)

Ingredients 2 - Blend into fine paste
1tbsp coriander powder (serbuk ketumbar)
1/2tbsp fennel powder (serbuk jintan manis)
3 green cardamom (buah pelaga)
4 cloves (bunga cengkih)
1” cinnamon stick (kayu manis)

Ingredients 3- Blend into fine paste
3 slices blue ginger (lengkuas or galangal)
3 cloves garlic (bawang putih)
1” fresh turmeric (kunyit hidup)
1” young ginger (halia)
15 shallots (bawang merah)
10 dried chillies (cili kering)

Other ingredients
1 and ½ cup coconut milk (extracted from one grated coconut + 2 cups water)
2tbsp toasted grated coconuts (kerisik)
1tbsp fish curry powder (rempah ikan kari)
100g green beans
4 red small chillies
4 green small chillies
2tsp salt or to taste
1tbsp palm sugar (gula Melaka)


  1. Heat cooking oil in a wok, sauté ingredients 1 till aroma.
  2. 241
  3. Add in ingredients 2 and 3 and fish curry powder, continue sauté till aroma and   separated. 242
  4. Add in 1cup fish stock and cook till boiled. 244
  5. Slowly add in coconut milk and cook over medium low heat, and stir time to time. 245
  6. Add in cooked Tongkol fish pieces, toasted grated coconut t(kerisik), seasoning with salt and palm sugar, continue cook for a while. 246
  7. Add in green beans, red and green small chillies, cook for 1min. 247
  8. Dish out.

Nasi Dagang Kelantan (Traders Rice)
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)
*serves 9 pax

6 ½ cups Traders rice (beras Dagang), washed clean
1 ½ cups glutinous rice (beras pulut putih), washed clean

10 shallots, sliced
6 garlic, sliced
2” ginger, julienned
1tsp fenugreek (halba)
2tsp salt
1 cup thick coconut milk
6 cups water


  1. Soak both beras Dagang and glutinous rice overnight. Drained. 217
  2. Mix two rice together in the steaming tray, add in 3 cups water, steam for 20mins.
  3. Fluff up the rice and add 2 cups water, continue steam for 20mins.
  4. Add in 1 cup coconut milk and 1 cup water, shallots, garlic, ginger, halba and salt, mix well, continue to steam until cooked. Adjust water accordingly to the doneness of the rice. 307

Pickled cucumbers, Carrots and Onion
(recipe source: by Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover)

2 Japanese cucumbers, cut into bar-rectangles
1 carrot, cut into bar-rectangles
½ onion, slices

2tbsp caster sugar
4tbsp vinegar
1/2tsp salt


  1. Mix cucumbers, carrot and onion and seasonings in a mixing bowl.
  2. Marinate for 1hour, squeeze out juices and transfer pickled in another clean bowl or jar 184

Some salted fish, deep fried

How to enjoy-just assemble everything together ..

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Kelantan Month hosted by My Kitchen Snippets 


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